‘Spoiler-free’ Summary of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
From there, the story just moves in strange new directions and Harry, Ron and Hermione are left to figure out how to solve the mysteries that keep coming. But eventually faced with a lot of new challenges, Harry is forced to abruptly leave the Dursleys’ house which is when he realizes who the notorious escaped criminal Sirius Black is. Harry is very dejected about Aunt Marge’s visit to the Dursleys’ because she is always very rude and mean to him. The events of this book start with the holidays after Harry’s second year in Hogwarts. What do you think of this new invention? Will you use it as a form of transportation? Tell us in the comments.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabanis considered one of the most well-written Harry Potter books of all time. You can have a look at Sanctus and Russo showing off the scooter in the video below. This invention is set to sell for around $740 each, so you might want to start saving up on those Galleons so you can grab one when they launch. Now all we need is actual flying balls with a will of their own, and we’re good to go. We wholeheartedly agree – this scooter would definitely make the game even more exciting. They are planning on taking it to the market in the near future and hope that, aside from it being used for traveling in an eco-friendly way, the scooter will blow new life into Muggle quidditch. Sadly, the broomstick scooter is not yet for sale to the public, but according to Sanctus and Russo, it will be very soon. We know you probably have a million questions, one of which is where you can buy this invention. It’s way better than having to flush yourself down a toilet, that’s for sure. It sounds like a pretty exciting way to travel to your daily job. Russo is living the life every Harry Potter fan dreams of and actually uses his broomstick scooter to go to work in style. It requires balance, but once you get it, the feeling is amazing. If you’re wondering what it’s like getting to drive one of these, Sanctus summed it up pretty perfectly: The best part about the broomstick scooter, as it is referred to for the time being, is that it is an eco-friendly way of traveling and can reach a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour (about 37 miles per hour). If this sounds like it could be tricky, it is, but Sanctus and Russo explain that all it takes is a little bit of practice, and technically, you won’t be flying several feet above the ground, so the chances of you ending up like Neville hanging from a statue after falling from your broom are quite slim. You sit on the broomstick the way wizards would in a Quidditch game, and much like they steer their brooms, you would steer this scooter – you simply lean in the direction you want to go, and the scooter will oblige. It consists of a single motorized wheel to which a broomstick is attached. This scooter is truly unlike anything you’ve seen before. This amazing – dare we say it, magical – invention is a great form of transportation and might just be what Muggles need to finally play Quidditch in a much more realistic way. This is the sight that greeted commuters in São Paulo, Brazil, when Vinicius Sanctus and Alessandro Russo took their broomstick scooters for a test-drive through the busy streets. Your immediate urge is to jump out of the car and ask them where you can get one of your own. Your eyes do not deceive you – they really are on brooms, and it almost looks like they’re flying. You snap out of your daydream and stick your head out the window to get a better view.
Imagine you’re driving down a busy highway, dreaming of better days while cars honk around you, when all of a sudden, two guys on brooms zip past you. People have gotten creative with bringing little pieces of the wizarding world into the Muggle realm – Quidditch, for instance, has been modified so Muggles can play it, and we all like to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in our Hogwarts robes, because what’s better than feeling like you’re actually at Hogwarts? For those who were nodding in agreement to the above statements, you’re going to be very excited to hear that there is a brand-new invention that will allow you to feel like you’re actually living in Harry’s world, and it comes in the form of an almost-flying broomstick. Let’s be honest for a moment: Most of us probably dream of experiencing a little bit of the magic from Harry Potter on a daily basis.